Sunday, February 17, 2019

Discovery Education SOS - Paper Chat

Discovery Education - Spotlight on Strategies

Spotlight on Strategies (SOS) is a series of over 100 creative, research-based instructional strategies, presented by teachers for teachers. These strategies incorporate digital media in meaningful, effective, and practical ways.

Every strategy has a written guide and a short video (usually 2-3 minutes) summary describing the research, process, and materials.

Featured SOS: Paper Chat

Paper Chat is a teaching strategy that allows students to develop critical thinking and communication skills, while ensuring that every student's thoughts and opinions are heard.  Students respond to a question and then continue the conversation by communicating on paper about a selected topic.

This is one of our favorite strategies because it's easy to implement in any class with any content.  Once you pose the question all students in the group participate silently, so even reluctant students add their thoughts, too.  We recommend that each student use a different color when they are writing, that way you can assess each individual student's contribution.  Post the completed papers in your room and refer back to them throughout the lesson or unit.

Tweet your students in action (no faces) or your final products and use the hashtag #SpotlightOnStrategies and #kisdsectech.

How to Find More Strategies

Find more instructional strategies by logging in to My Katy Cloud --> Discovery Education.

In the menu section on the left side of the screen click on Professional Learning --> Strategies & Resources --> Access Over 100 Digital Integration Strategies.

You will then see the variety of SOS categories.