Sunday, February 10, 2019

TCEA 2019 Resources

TCEA 2019 Special Edition Newsletter

This past week the JH Classroom Technology Designers attended the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) Convention.  We're excited to share with you some of the new things that we learned!

For a full session list (which includes links to handouts and presentations) click here.

Did you know you could automatically identify the parts of speech in an online Word document? You can also have Word show just one line at a time with Line Focus and also read to you. These are just a few of the amazing features within Office 365. To use, open a document in Office 365 and click on View-Immersive Reader.

Click here to learn how to use this feature.

Ready to learn more?
Click here to learn about all of the Learning Tools in Word Online.

Check out these courses on the Microsoft Educator Community (sign-in with your O365 account).

You don't need an elaborate setup to let your kids create green screen video in any content area with fabulous backgrounds to set the stage. Check out this cool presentation from TCEA to see how a cut-out, a pizza box and an iPad is all it takes.

Click here for the Green Screen presentation from TCEA.

Want to make learning or reviewing content fun and engaging? Use OneNote to create a digital escape room. Students will read content, watch videos, or look at images to solve the clues. Sections are locked with a passcode, but the correct answer will "unlock" the next section.

Click Here for an Example: The last section will give you the passwords to all sections - the password to this section is OneNoteAvenger.

Click here for directions on how to setup a OneNote Notebook for a Digital Breakout.

Resources, resources, and more resources! The TCEA eBook Library provides free downloadable books PACKED with ideas and resources! Click on this link to download all of the books, for free!

Digital Icebreakers That Shatter:  Activities to Break the Ice
Contains nine unique activities including all of the instructions, templates, and resources you need to replicate them.

Get online resources for your classroom all in one place!

Ready, Set, Make!
Meaningful makerspace ideas even if you don't have a lot of resources, storage space, or access to tech.

Please don't hesitate to let your CTD know if there is a topic that you're interested in learning more about!