Thursday, April 25, 2019

Technology TEKS 2A, 2B, 2C - Student Collaboration Tools

Collaboration skills empower student to focus on technical (global collaboration) and basic skills (reading, writing, math, and culturally aware skills) and competencies in the "soft skills."

Soft skills include work ethic, collaboration, negotiation, communication, self and time management skills, service, compassion, and caring qualities. These will prepare students for success throughout their entire life.

Challenge yourself to use one of the collaboration tools on the menu below to address Technology Application TEKS 2A, 2B, and/or 2C while preparing students for a successful future.

As always, share your ideas and experiences by using the hashtag #kisdsectech!

Published content & settings
Collaboration Tools Tic-Tac-Toe Board

Technology Applications, TEKS Grade 6
(2)  Communication and collaboration. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally to reinforce and promote learning. The student is expected to:

  • (A)  participate in personal learning networks to collaborate with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies;
  • (B)  communicate effectively with multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; and
  • (C)  read and discuss examples of technical writing.

Technology Applications, TEKS Grade 7
(2)  Communication and collaboration. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally to reinforce and promote learning. The student is expected to:

  • (A)  create personal learning networks to collaborate and publish with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies;
  • (B)  communicate effectively with multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; and
  • (C)  create products using technical writing strategies.

Technology Applications, TEKS Grade 8
(2)  Communication and collaboration. The student collaborates and communicates both locally and globally to reinforce and promote learning. The student is expected to:

  • (A)  create and manage personal learning networks to collaborate and publish with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies;
  • (B)  communicate effectively with multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; and
  • (C)  create and publish products using technical writing strategies.