Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Canvas Blueprint

Work on a team that uses Canvas all of the time? Tired of importing every time there is a change in the master course? Then the Blueprint option might be for you!

All teachers work in the SAME MASTER COURSE and then click a “sync” button to push ALL changes to ALL student courses at once! It’s super easy to keep everyone up-to-date!

BluePrint syncs all course content, even the calendar!

This is best done at the beginning of the semester because any content in your current, live student course will be deleted and “filled” with whatever is in the master course. You can still keep your individual style in your courses, but in order to set up Blueprint, your student courses need to be empty for the initial import. Once the import takes place, you can customize your individual courses.

Ready to BluePrint? Team Leads, please click here to fill out the form.

Need to Cross-list your courses first?  Click here to watch a video on how to Cross-list.