Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Canvas Updates for Devices with iOS 13: effective 10/8/19

Apple released iOS 13 in Sept. 2019. 

There was an update to the Canvas app on Monday, October 7th that corrected several issues. Update the Canvas app on your device if you are experiencing any issues with version 6.6.5.

Issues fixed by Canvas
- Fixed submitting videos from library
- Fixed submitting screenshots in iOS 13
- Fixed a bug that would cause the app to restart when in the background
- Fixed a bug that would cause the app to crash
- Fixed a crash when viewing Conferences
- Fixed layout issues with split view on iPad
- Fixed a crash when selecting a mastery path
- Fixed an issue where grades list would show "Not Submitted" for a submitted assignment
- Fixed an issue with quizzes cutting off question text
- Fixed bad rounding for quiz grades
- Fixed time for quiz not including extra time from moderated grading
- Fixed text being cut off on a quiz
- Fixed quiz submission comments not appearing
- Fixed a flash of grey on locked assignment details
- Fixed add comments appearing when assignment is locked
- Fixed calendar title contrast in iOS 13
- Improved access & organization of settings